Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sleep Deprived

All I've been doing all weekend is sleep. Yet, I still managed to oversleep this morning and miss church. Grrrrr...Friday I watched a movie (Elizabethtown) and slept. Saturday, I slept in, watched a movie (The Guardian), took a nap, journaled, worked on some writing, checked email, made dinner, watched a movie (SummerStorm), slept, answered drunken phone call from brother at 2:00 AM, and slept. Today, well apparently I needed to sleep in again since I managed to turn off my alarm...So what else is on the horizon? Some time with God, grade papers, who knows - maybe watch a movie (either Flags of our Fathers or SherryBaby) since I seem to be on quite a movie kick - drive to C3 if the weather allows. And PRAY FOR SNOW!


The Master of Master Key said...

I like the new look! The flowers behind the title are a nice touch. Also, if I'm not mistaken, the pictures of ourselves on our blogs from the same city :-).

Lauren Sheldon said...

Very observant! I'm impressed that you noticed the connection - I hadn't put it together. As far as the new design, I guess I was ready for a change, and adding a picture is a newer feature I believe, one that wasn't available when I first started. Seeing a photo on your site and some others inspired me :)

The Master of Master Key said...

Oh yeah...San Francisco is perhaps the most picturesque city in the U.S. I've been to. I recognized it due to the Bay Bridge & Treasure Island in the background. I have a similar photo on my computer's desktop, except it's taken right on the waterfront, I think from either Pier 1 or Pier 3, just north of the Ferry Terminal Building.

Have a great night!

C the Maven said...

I agree with ravine dweller, the new look of your blog is a awesome. Change is good. Plus, I like the green. ;)