Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I love animals :) Right now I have two cats - I never really liked cats much. I always thought of myself as more of a dog person...but you know, things change. My brother always liked cats so when I was in 9th grade, we got two kittens. Now they are almost 9 years old!! Not exactly kittens. But they are great - Phantom is black with some white markings one her face and feet - she’s a bit more petite and shy, but she really likes to be where ever people are sleeping or napping. Malachi is an orange tom cat - he has six or seven toes on all of his paws :) Kinda makes him a freak I guess, but I still love him. He's much bigger, actually kind of fat recently, and he has this annoying habit of humping you when all you are trying to do is cuddle...

Anyway, today I was working at my new desk that has this big shelving unit built on the top of it. And of course Malachi was right there, because he always likes to be in the middle of the action. And he jumped like 4 feet in the air to the top of the shelf. I was impressed enough by that, but then he spent the next 30 minutes pacing back and forth on the top of the shelf trying to figure out how to get down into the shelf layer right below him - kind of impossible, but he wasn't smart enough to figure that out. He kept pacing and bending his head underneath to check things out. Then he might stretch out a paw to see if he could touch the next level, only to pull him self back up and start pacing again. It was really quite hilarious. I wasn't getting any work done! Eventually he got adventurous enough to get half of his body onto the lower level so that he was kind of curved in half with half of his body still up at the top holding on for dear life. There was really no way this was going to work unless he could turn himself into a slinky, but still he didn't give him. Soon there after he fell, one less of his nine lives. And I felt so bad for him, that after consoling him a bit, I placed him up into the little cubby hole of a shelf myself. It probably wasn't as gratifying as getting there himself, but it'll have to do :)

So now I really like cats, at least my cats. I think they are more like dogs, probably because they grew up with a dog - Muffin. Muffin was a big white polar bear of a dog - a Great Pyrenees. She passed away last Christmas, but she was a great dog and pet. I miss her (but I don't think the cats do...).

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