Saturday, August 05, 2006

PhD in English Education and Literacy

"The program in English Education/Literacy Studies is designed for students who wish to explore issues related to the teaching of English and the preparation of prospective English teachers, and who are interested in exploring social and cultural issues related to oral and written language in education and the preparation of teachers to teach literacy skills to diverse student populations. The program aims to produce scholars who can provide intellectual leadership in the field and who are prepared to work at the intersection of theory and practice. Students will have opportunities to work with Arnetha Ball and Pamela Grossman on their research projects in these areas. Students may focus on a variety of areas within these fields, including curriculum development, the teaching of language and/or literature, the teaching of writing, teacher education, and professional development. Students are encouraged to take courses in the English and Linguistics departments, as well as in the School of Education. All programs are individually designed, with the assistance of a faculty advisor, to reflect a student's particular background and interests."

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